Mar. 25, 2018

Leaving a Legacy

Millions heard him. Thousands saw him. The "Dean of Personal Development", Paul Harvey announced, "The song of the Nightingale is stilled..." But his recordings and writings live on No greater motivator ever graced the planet from the selection of mere humans. Even the sound of his voice and tonality vibrates the sound waves resulting in "goose bumps" at his frequent reference to the "carpenter from the plains of Galilee". 

I recall the moment when I first heard of his March 25, 1989 death while listening to "Insight" a publication of the Nightingale-Conant Company which he had co-founded to produce "The Strangest Secret", "Gold Record" recording in which he shared his discovery of the "key to success and the key to failure" in life. You should know that he had, along with Diana, his bride planned and arranged for the endless treasures of information to benefit all of us from the youngest to the most mature. 

What is it you want in your "holiday on earth", as Earl called it? It is all there for the taking through knowledge, wisdom and persistence toward your goals and dreams. Today is a special day for remembering and renewing our goals, our life and our destiny. It's up to us.