Jul. 23, 2017

Time Toll

Each day brings new opportunities and new "traps". Are you weary of your time others are clamoring for? For decades my experience was "junk mail" with "good stuff". Now it's email "junk" loaded with what we "can't afford to be without". It is not all junk but there's a strategy others employ to ultimately "get into your pocket book". Ever how good the product or service offered, one thing that bugs me are those un-announced, misleading and long-playing videos and/or drawn-out, page-after-page essays prompted by a catch phrase like "The One Food You Must Avoid At All Costs", "The Sure-Fire Cancer Cure" or something to the effect! How many of us "have the time" to wade through the verbal haystack to find the needle? Let's "Cut to the Chase" on this website. Let's become masters at respecting each other's time and work together without the money-grab imbedded hook. I've always given away time and effort to help others without pocket-picking. All the game-playing can take a toll on our precious time. It will not stop until someone else's coffers are filled. Just be aware of "store psychology" and stay focused on the important tasks. Did I hear someone say, "The soul of wit is brevity"? May we take time for prayer? I need help! HELP!!! The Master Teacher was short, blunt, deliberate and effective!