May. 25, 2017

Peace: Why Not?

Peace is a valuable commodity. Why would anyone not seek to secure peace for themselves? Yet there are some who are intent on spoiling peace for others. Resolved: "I will follow all things within my power to make for peace for myself and others". It's like soothing all legitimate cravings. It's satisfying. It's like giving ourselves the gift of choosing to direct our lives that we might leave a great moral legacy for our posterity.  Peace is an absolute necessity for a good and self-fulfilling life to maximize our service. We cannot deny peace to others while at the same time securing it for ourselves.

If you cherish Peace think of ways you can promote it. Who really loses when peace is present? Think about who gains. Peace be to you! Share your thoughts and/or stories in the comment section found in each subsequent pages beginning with the Home Page.